
Option names may be abbreviated if the abbreviation is unique or is an exact match for some defined option; e.g., --phenotype works the same as --phenotype_file.

Making a GRM from SNPs


Option Argument Type Description
--binary_genotype_file FILE PREFIX Required PLINK bed/bim/fam filename prefix
--snp_info_file FILE Required SNP info file in CSV format
--snp_weight_name STRING Optional Specify a column header in the SNP info file for weighting SNPs in a GRM. If not set, all variants in the SNP info file will be used with a default weight of 1.
--min_maf FLOAT Optional Filter out all variants with minor allele frequency (MAF) less than or equal to the provided threshold [default=0]
--min_hwe_pval FLOAT Optional Filter out all variants which have Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium exact test p-value below the provided threshold [default=0]

Genotype files

MPH uses PLINK bim/fam/bed files for genotypes. The bed/bim/fam file format is described on the PLINK website.

SNP info file

The SNP info file is a CSV file with a header line. The first column must list SNP IDs. Each of the other columns corresponds to one GRM, and each row corresponds to a SNP.

If a SNP does not belong to a GRM, leave the corresponding cell empty. If a SNP belongs to n GRMs, put 1 in each of the n cells. To partition SNP heritability by functional annotations, create a SNP info file in which each column (or GRM) represents a functional annotation category. Functional annotations may overlap; for example, if a SNP belongs to 6 functional annotation categories, put 1 in each of those 6 cells.

In the example of partitioning heritability by chromosomes, chr.snp_info.csv has five columns for five chromosomes.

A Perl script is provided to create the SNP info file for partitioning heritability across functional annotations.


Option Argument Type Description
--make_grm FLAG Required To make a GRM from genotypes
--dominance FLAG Optional Flag to make a dominance GRM rather than an additive GRM
--num_threads INT Optional Number of computational threads to use [default=1]


Option Argument Type Description
--output_file FILE PREFIX Required Output filename prefix

The GRM calculation generates two files:

  1. A file with the suffix .grm.iid
  2. A file with the suffix .grm.bin

For dominance GRMs, the suffixes are modified as follows:

  1. .d.grm.iid
  2. .d.grm.bin

Custom genotype coding

MPH includes a feature for computing GRM with custom genotype coding.

To use custom genotype coding:

  1. Add 3 columns to the SNP info file specifying the numeric codes for A1A1, A1A2, and A2A2 genotypes for each genomic variant.
  2. Assign any desired header names to these columns (e.g., header1, header2, header3).
  3. When running mph --make_grm, include the option --snp_genotype_coding header1,header2,header3 to enable GRM computation using the custom genotype coding specified in the SNP info file.

Important notes:

Making a GRM from GRMs


Option Argument Type Description
--grm_list FILE Required Space-delimited text file listing GRMs that have been made

The GRM list file is a space-delimited text file, such as AD.grms.txt. It has no header and one or two columns. The first column must be the file path for each GRM. The second column is optional and can be a short GRM identifier for --make_fore and --make_core.


Option Argument Type Description
--merge_grms FLAG Optional Flag to merge a list of GRMs
--deduct_grms FLAG Optional Flag to deduct the subsequent GRMs from the first in a list
--make_fore FLAG Optional Flag to make first-order interaction GRMs
--make_core FLAG Optional Flag to make GRMs for covariances between random effects
--num_threads INT Optional Number of computational threads to use [default=1]

If a SNP is used in multiple GRMs, the SNP will be treated to be multiple identical SNPs in the resulting GRM of --merge_grms.


Option Argument Type Description
--output_file FILE PREFIX Required Output filename prefix



Option Argument Type Description
--grm_list FILE Required Space-delimited text file listing GRMs that have been made
--phenotype_file FILE Required Phenotype file in CSV format
--trait STRING Required Single trait name or comma-separated list of trait names that should match the column headers in the phenotype file
--error_weight_names STRING Optional Single column header or comma-separated list of column headers in the phenotype file, specifying individual error variance weights for each corresponding trait
--covariate_file FILE Optional Covariate file in CSV format
--covariate_names STRING Optional Comma-separated list of covariates to include in the analysis

GRM list file

The GRM list file is a space-delimited text file, such as chr.grms.txt. It has no header and one or two columns. The first column must be the file path for each GRM. The second column is optional and can list an initial variance component (VC) value for each GRM.

Phenotype file

The phenotype file is a CSV file with a header line. The first column must be the individual ID. The header line needs to contain trait names.

Missing values of phenotypes need to be left empty. Do not use space, -9, NA, or NaN.

MPH has --error_weight_name to accommodate individual reliabilies (r2) for pseudo-phenotypes (e.g., de-regressed estimated breeding values). The error weights can be set to 1/r2-1 and kept as a column of the phenotype file.

Covariate file

The covariate file is a CSV file with a header line. The first column must be the individual ID. The header line needs to contain covariate names.

Missing values of covariates need to be left empty. Do not use space, -9, NA, or NaN.

If --covariate_names all is specified, MPH will use as covariates all columns from the 2nd to the last in the covariate file.


Option Argument Type Description
FLAG Required Flag to run REML or iterative MINQUE. This option can be specified as --minque or --reml, and they are interchangeable.
--save_memory FLAG Optional Flag to enable the memory-saving mode
--num_threads INT Optional Number of computational threads to use [default=1]
--heritability FLOAT Optional Initial heritability value(s) in REML iterations [default=0.5]
--num_grms INT Optional Number of the list's first matrices to be used as genomic relationships [default=all]
--num_iterations INT Optional Max number of REML iterations [default=20]
--tol FLOAT Optional Absolute convergence tolerance for REML log-likelihood [default=0.01]
--num_random_vectors INT Optional Number of random probing vectors for stochastic trace estimation [default=100]
--distribution STRING Optional Specify whether the stochastic trace estimation uses a Gaussian or Rademacher distribution [default=Rademacher]
--seed INT Optional Random seed in stochastic trace estimation [default=0]

MPH incorporates Fisher's scoring for REML, equivalent to iterative MINQUE, alongside a trust-region dogleg algorithm. --minque mirrors --reml.

To force MINQUE(0) or MINQUE(1), set --num_iterations 1. The second column of the GRM list file should be set to 0 for MINQUE(0) and 1 for MINQUE(1).

The memory-saving mode (--save_memory) is not necessarily slower, especially when file caching is effectively utilized.


Option Argument Type Description
--output_file FILE PREFIX Required Output filename prefix

mph --reml produces four or five output files, as shown below.

Filename suffix Description Best linear unbiased estimates of fixed effects
.mq.iter.csv Summary of REML iterations Variance component estimates Residuals of the linear mixed model
.mq.cor.csv Estimates and standard errors of correlations between traits. Exclusively available for multi-trait analyses. has the following columns.

Column Description
trait_x Trait name
trait_y Trait name. If the same as trait_x, components correspond to the trait variance; otherwise, the covariance between trait_x and trait_y.
vc_name Name of the (co)variance component or GRM
m Weighted number of SNPs in the GRM
var Estimate of the (co)variance component
seV Standard error of the (co)variance component estimate
pve Estimate of the proportion of (co)variance explained
seP Standard error of the estimate of the proportion of (co)variance explained
enrichment Estimate of the per-SNP heritability enrichment
seE Standard error of the estimate of the per-SNP heritability enrichment

Additional columns display sampling covariance matrices of estimates for enrichments and for all (co)variance components.


Estimates of PVEs and enrichments are valid only when functional annotation categories do not overlap with one another. If functional categories actually overlap, one more quick computation is needed to recompute PVEs and enrichments.


Simulating phenotypes based on a list of GRMs

mph --simulate --num_phenotypes 100 --grm_list chr.grms.txt --heritability 0.5 --output pheno

In the ith row of the GRM list file are GRM(i) and VC(i). MPH simulates total genetic values (g) by sampling g from N(0,V) in which V is equal to the sum of all GRM(i)*VC(i). MPH further simulates phenotypes by adding an error term (e) to g based on heritability.


Empirical best linear unbiased predictions (EBLUPs)

mph --pred --mq_file milk --output milk

MPH computes EBLUPs using the output of --reml and outputs them to a file with a suffix of .mq.blup.csv. For genomic partitioning, EBLUPs are the estimates of direct genomic values.

Multi-trait BLUP is not currently supported.

General relationship matrix

The --grm_list file can list any general relationship matrix, not necessarily a genomic relationship matrix.

Auxiliary scripts are provided to convert a general relationship matrix to the MPH format.