
All auxiliary scripts used in the examples are documented in Scripts.

Simulated datasets

QTL-MAS 2012

Sequence genotypes

Partitioning heritability

By chromosomes

Partitioning heritability by chromosomes for the QTL-MAS 2012 dataset

  1. Create a SNP info file: chr.snp_info.csv.
  2. Make a GRM for each chromosome.
  3. Create a GRM list: chr.grms.txt.
# Making GRMs
# Input: geno and chr.snp_info.csv
mkdir chromosomes
for chr in {1..5}
    mph --make_grm --binary_genotype geno --min_maf 0 --min_hwe_pval 1e-8 --snp_info chr.snp_info.csv --snp_weight $chr --num_threads 10 --out ./chromosomes/$chr

# Running REML
# Input: chr.grms.txt, phen.csv, and covar.csv
mph --reml --grm_list chr.grms.txt --phenotype phen.csv --trait milk --error_weight milk_wt --covariate_file covar.csv --covariate_names all --num_threads 10 --out ./chromosomes/milk

By functional annotations

Partitioning heritability by functional annotations for the sequence genotypes dataset

# 1. Create a new SNP info file including only variants that pass quality control.
# SNPs with an MAF < 0.01 are removed from funct.snp_info.csv, producing qc.funct.snp_info.csv.

# Read the first line of the SNP info file and split it by a comma to get the annotation list.
IFS=',' read -ra elements < $snpinfo

# 2. Make a GRM for each functional annotation category.
# It may take about one hour to contruct all the GRMs. 
# Note that precomputed GRMs are included in the dataset. Go to the step 3 to save time. 
mkdir grms

# Iterate over the list of annotation categories.
# Use PLINK to extract SNPs in each category for faster I/O.
for ((i = 1; i < ${#elements[@]}; i++)); do
    awk -F ',' -v colname="${elements[i]}" 'NR == 1 { for (j = 1; j <= NF; j++) if ($j == colname) col = j } NR > 1 && $col == 1 { print $1 }' $snpinfo >  "${elements[i]}.extract.txt"
    plink --bfile geno --chr-set 30 --extract "${elements[i]}.extract.txt" --threads 14 --make-bed --out ${elements[i]}
    mph --make_grm --binary_geno ${elements[i]} --snp_info $snpinfo --snp_weight ${elements[i]} --num_threads 14 --out ./grms/${elements[i]}
    rm ${elements[i]}.*

# 3. Create a GRM list and run REML.
# Create a GRM list.
if [ -e $grmlist ]; then
    rm $grmlist
for ((i = 1; i < ${#elements[@]}; i++)); do
    echo "grms/${elements[i]} 1" >> $grmlist

# Run REML.
mkdir reml
mph --reml --save_memory --grm_list $grmlist --phenotype pheno/hsq0.9.sim.csv --trait 1 --num_threads 14 --out reml/1

Below is an R script for recomputing the proportions of genetic variance explained and enrichments.

# mph_functs.R is documented at

# Read the SNP info file to get the SNP weighting matrix.
sw = as.matrix(fread("qc.funct.snp_info.csv"),rownames=1)
sw[] = 0

# Get the SNP incidence matrix.
# The SNP weighting matrix is often the incidence matrix, but not always.
si = (sw != 0) * 1

# More annotation categories can be included in the incidence matrix.
# For example, a new annotation of gene is derived here.
gene = as.numeric( rowSums(si[, c("Coding_UCSC", "Intron_UCSC", "Promoter_UCSC", "UTR_3_UCSC", "UTR_5_UCSC")]) > 0 )
si = cbind(si, gene)

# Calculate the crossproduct of 'si' and 'sw'.
# The columns of 'sw' should match the rows of 'vcfile'; otherwise, they should be reordered.
index = 1:25; sw = sw[, index]
cp = crossprod(si, sw)

# Number of SNPs in each annotation category of interest
annot_size = colSums(si)
# Total number of SNPs
nsnps = nrow(si)

vcfile = "reml/"
result = recompute_enrichments(vcfile, cp, nsnps=nsnps, annot.size=annot_size) 

# Visualization

result =[-1,])
pct = result$prop * 100
pct = round(pct,2)
rownames(result) = paste0(rownames(result)," (",pct,"%)")

df = data.frame(FunctionalAnnotation=rownames(result), Enrichment=result$enrichment, SE=result$
p = ggplot(df, aes(x=FunctionalAnnotation, y=Enrichment)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", color="black", position=position_dodge()) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=Enrichment-SE, ymax=Enrichment+SE), width=.5, position=position_dodge(.9)) 
p = p + theme(text = element_text(size=22), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 65, vjust = 1, hjust=1))
p = p + geom_hline(yintercept=1, linetype="dashed", color = "red") + xlab("") + ylab("Per-SNP heritability enrichment estimate") + ggtitle("Trait 1")

The following figure will be produced. FunctAnnotTrait1

Dominance and epistasis

Decomposing genetic variance into additive, dominance, and epistatic components for the QTL-MAS 2012 dataset

  1. Make GRMs from SNPs: one for additive and one for dominance.
  2. Create a GRM list for --make_fore: AD.grms.txt.
  3. Make first-order interaction GRMs.
  4. Create a GRM list for --reml, listing A, D, AxA, AxD, and DxD: ADE.grms.txt.
# Making one additive GRM and one dominance GRM
# Input: geno and chr.snp_info.csv
mkdir nonadditive

mph --make_grm --binary_genotype geno --min_maf 0 --min_hwe_pval 1e-8 --snp_info chr.snp_info.csv --num_threads 10 --out ./nonadditive/genome

mph --make_grm --binary_genotype geno --min_maf 0 --min_hwe_pval 1e-8 --snp_info chr.snp_info.csv --num_threads 10 --out ./nonadditive/genome --dom

# Making three first-order interaction GRMs
# Input: AD.grms.txt listing the GRMs that have been made
mph --make_fore --grm_list AD.grms.txt --num_threads 10 --out ./nonadditive/genome

# Running REML
# Input: ADE.grms.txt, phen.csv, and covar.csv
mph --reml --grm_list ADE.grms.txt --phenotype phen.csv --trait milk --covariate_file covar.csv --covariate_names all --num_threads 10 --out ./nonadditive/milk

Genetic correlation

Estimating genetic and environmental correlations for the QTL-MAS 2012 dataset


mkdir multi-trait

mph --make_grm --binary_genotype geno --min_maf 0 --min_hwe_pval 1e-8 --snp_info chr.snp_info.csv --num_threads 10 --out ./multi-trait/genome

mph --reml --save_mem --grm_list A.grm.txt --phenotype phen.csv --trait milk,fat,fat_percent --covariate_file covar.csv --covariate_names all --num_threads 10 --out ./multi-trait/genome


# This step may have been run. 
mkdir chromosomes
for chr in {1..5}
    mph --make_grm --binary_genotype geno --min_maf 0 --min_hwe_pval 1e-8 --snp_info chr.snp_info.csv --snp_weight $chr --num_threads 10 --out ./chromosomes/$chr

# The directory may have been created.
mkdir multi-trait
mph --reml --save_mem --grm_list chr.grms.txt --phenotype phen.csv --trait milk,fat,fat_percent --num_threads 10 --out ./multi-trait/chromosomes

Genotype–covariate interaction

MPH can effectively do GCI-GREML.

Estimating the proportion of phenotypic variance contributed by genotype–covariate interaction effects for the QTL-MAS 2012 dataset

  1. Make a genotype–covariate interaction GRM for a categorical covariate.
  2. Run REML using a GRM list file like this.
# The R scripts are documented at
mkdir GCI

mph --make_grm --binary_genotype geno --min_maf 0 --min_hwe_pval 1e-8 --snp_info chr.snp_info.csv --num_threads 10 --out ./GCI/genome

Rscript --no-save make_gci_grm.R ./GCI/genome covar.csv ./GCI/genome

mph --reml --save_mem --grm_list GCI.grms.txt --phenotype phen.csv --trait milk --covariate_file covar.csv --covariate_names all --num_threads 10 --out ./GCI/milk